How to Use SKP-900 Key Programmer Program Toyota G Chip Key

Before looking this blog, you may have a question :
SuperOBD SKP900 key programmer better than handy baby car key copy to program Toyota G chip?

The Answer is Definitely YES! 

It’s verified that SKP-900 can program new keys and perform key matching together, while JMD handy baby only supports G chip copy. Here is about how to program Toyota G chip using SKP900 auto key programmer.

You need prepare the register main key and new key for use.

Then connect SKP900 device to the car

The immo lamp on the car falshes

Then start SKP-900


Choose OBDII adapter and turn ignition on


Add key

Insert the registered main key and turn ignition on

Insert the adding key and turn ignition on 

Program succeed after immo lamp extinction

Insert the new key to test- it’s working

TOYOTA G chip programming success!




SuperOBD SKP900 Key programmer

How to program a new Dodge key with SKP900